Best Dabba Trading Platform

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Zero Brokerage

24/7 Deposit & Withdrawal

Upto 500x Margin

24/7 Call Support

About Dabba Trading Platform

Welcome to Arrow Trad, where we make it easy for investors to customize their portfolios. Access a wide range of markets, including stocks, cryptocurrencies, commodities, and indices, all in one place. Make smarter trades with our top Dabba Trading platform. Whether you’re at home or on the go, our app offers seamless trading solutions, anytime, anywhere!

Trusted Traders
Brokerage Saved
0 cr.
Years of Legacy
Instant Support
24/ 0

Why Dabba Trading App ?

Empowering all traders, Arrow Trad provides a complete platform with advanced tools, real-time data, and powerful analytics, all within a simple and user-friendly interface.

  • 500x Leverage

    You can start share trading with low margin and get 500 leverage for day trading.

  • Instant Withdrawal

    We will provide instant withdrawal.

  • 24x7 Call Support

    We are available 24x7 if you stuck any point of time during taking trading or any transaction then contact us.

  • Lowest Brokerage

    We are providing lowest brokerage in industry

  • Easily Managable account

    We provide hassle free trading app which is easy to use.

  • Tax Free Trading

    Your all trade will we tax free with us. And also not applicable any SEBI charges.

Dabba Trading Platform Services


A leading hub for equities and derivatives trading.


Expertise in metals and agricultural commodity derivatives trading.


Leading in agricultural commodity trading within India.


Global currency exchange platform.


Dynamic platform for Bitcoin and Ethereum trading.


Renowned for precious metals futures within NYMEX.

Support Whenever You Need It

Our 24×7 customer support ensures you’re never alone,
and your deposits and withdrawals are always smooth and efficient.

Open Account in Just 1 Minute and Start Trading

Step 1

Register with DTA

Sign up for an account on the DTA trading platform.

Step 2

Minimal Documents Needed

Submit the required documents to verify your identity

Step 3

Deposit Funds

Add money to your trading account

Step 4

Start Trading

Begin executing trades on the platform.

Platforms we are available on

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What Is Dabba Trading in India?

Dabba trading, also called box trading or bucket exchange, is an informal and unregulated way of trading in India. While this method has been around for years, it is considered illegal by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). Despite being illegal, some traders still use it for quick profits.

Dabba trading allows traders to trade outside of the official stock market. It usually has fewer fees and offers very high margins—up to 500x for intraday trades and up to 60x for carry-forward positions. This means traders can borrow a lot more money to trade than they actually have, which can lead to higher profits, but also higher risks. Dabba platforms usually skip a lot of paperwork and avoid taxes, which makes the process faster and cheaper for traders.

In 1996, when electronic share certificates and demat accounts were introduced, the stock market became more organized. A demat account is a digital account where you can hold shares, mutual funds, bonds, and more, making it easier to manage your investments. While Dabba trading platforms may offer margin facilities to increase trading power, they operate outside these formal channels.

How Does Dabba Trading Work?

Dabba trading is based on betting on the price movements of stocks without actually buying or selling them through an official stock exchange. For example, a trader might “bet” that the price of a stock will rise, and if it does, the trader profits from the difference in price. However, no actual stock purchase happens on a recognized exchange.

This method skips the usual formalities, making it faster and more flexible than regular trading. Traders can benefit from small price changes quickly without dealing with complex procedures.

Why Are There No Brokerage Charges in Dabba Trading?

One of the reasons Dabba trading is attractive is that there are no brokerage charges. In traditional trading, brokers charge fees that can reduce your profits. But in Dabba trading, these fees are usually avoided since trades aren’t happening through official exchanges. This means traders can keep more of their money.

What Are the Advantages of Dabba Trading?

Dabba trading comes with some benefits, including:

  • No Brokerage Fees: Traders don’t have to pay the usual fees charged by brokers, meaning they get to keep more of their profits.
  • Quick Transactions: Trades can be completed much faster since they aren’t routed through official exchanges.
  • Flexibility: Traders can make quick moves based on market changes without dealing with a lot of paperwork or restrictions.
  • Profit from Small Moves: Even small changes in stock prices can lead to profits for traders.
  • Private Trading: Dabba trading offers more privacy, as trades are not recorded on official platforms.

How Are Dabba Trades Settled?

In Dabba trading, trades are usually settled at the end of the week. The trader and broker agree on the stock price, and profits or losses are calculated based on the difference between the agreed price and the actual price. This process happens off the official records, making it quicker but also riskier.

Why Do You Need a Demat Account?

A demat account is essential for legal trading in today’s digital world. It is like a bank account but for holding shares and other investments in digital form. A demat account makes it easier to manage your investments because everything is in one place.

Having a demat account also offers other benefits:

Easy to Manage: You can hold all your investments—like stocks, mutual funds, and bonds—in one account.
Transparency: Digital records make it easier to see exactly what you own and how much it’s worth.
Safety: Your assets are held electronically, which reduces the risk of losing physical share certificates.

What Are the Disadvantages of Dabba Trading?

While Dabba trading has some advantages, it also has significant risks:

  • No Legal Protection: Since trades don’t happen on official exchanges, you have no legal protection if something goes wrong.
  • Fraud Risk: Because it’s unregulated, there’s a higher chance of fraud or misconduct.
  • Lack of Transparency: There’s no official record of your trades, which can make it hard to track what’s happening.

Why Is Dabba Trading Illegal?

Dabba trading is illegal because it avoids the regulations that protect investors. Since it doesn’t happen through recognized stock exchanges, there’s a higher risk of the broker not paying up or even disappearing with your money. This lack of security and transparency undermines the trust and fairness of the financial markets.

Is Dabba Trading Profitable?

Dabba trading can be profitable, but it comes with high risks. Since you’re not actually buying or selling stocks, you’re simply betting on their price movements. This can lead to fast profits, but it can also lead to significant losses if the market moves against you.

Dabba trading gives traders more flexibility and speed compared to traditional trading methods. You can quickly place bets and take advantage of price changes, but this also means you need to be very careful and knowledgeable to avoid losses.

Dabba trading offers a risky but potentially profitable way of trading outside official channels. While it has benefits like low costs and fast transactions, it also comes with big risks, including legal consequences, fraud, and lack of transparency.

At Arrow Trad, we recommend legal and regulated trading to ensure your investments are safe and secure. Always approach trading with caution and stay informed about the risks involved.

Platforms we are available on

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Platforms we are available on

Initiate Smart Trading Across Multiple Platforms




Platforms we are available on

Initiate Smart Trading Across Multiple Platforms


